Saturday, February 15, 2014

Calling CQ

(This is Mark writing this text.) 

CQ means you are calling any other ham station (person) listening.

We check it out then I get to go on the air with a top of the line loaner Yaesu that sells for $9000.  With 4 minutes instruction they turned it over to me.  Showed me how to log each contact in the computer log.  I was on 20 meters with a 5 or 6 element yagi aimed at Florida.  They didn't even supervise except the first call for CQ to make sure I was OK and on the air!  They guy warned me of frequent pile ups when using call sign W1AW, and sure enough I had a small crowd answering me back within 2 minutes.   Worked half a dozen stations and went QRT so we could get back on the road.   He said Europe get the best pile ups in the afternoon, but we didn't have time to work a big pile up of stations.

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