Sunday, February 3, 2013

Dinghy not behaving

The seas were kind of rough and the dinghy was not behaving well so I added another tether which fixed the problem.

Chat and Chill

Chat and Chill beach - Chris talking to fellow cruiser Kim.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Lunch for three at St. Francis

Lunch for three at St. Francis

All for is 1/30/2013 and the internet is slow so it took me a few days to get this published.  Have a great Feburary.

Petting the rays

Petting the rays

Feeding the stingrays off the beach.

There is a conch shed on the beach where they make conch salad  The parts they can't  use they give to the tourists to feed to the rays.  Very cool.

Chris and John chillin'

Chris and John chillin'

Bridge to Victoria Lake in Georgetown, Exuma

The bridge under the road to Lake Victoria which is where the dinghy dock is and access to Georgetown.

Exuma Yacht Club

Exuma Yacht Club in Georgetown, Exuma - here we stay till after the cruisers regatta.


Mark caught a tuna!  Since it was small I said to throw it back and let it grow - later Mark said the darn thing weighted 5 or 6 pounds - dart, never again…I have not heard the end of that one!  Mark thinks it might have been a Skipjack Tuna.

Clear water rocks…

The water is so clear and still that we can see our anchor chain looped over itself.

Friday, February 1, 2013

We beat friend John out of the anchorage

The next morning we surprised our early-bird friend John and left the anchorage before him…so got a picture of him passing us.

What - phone booths

Some places still have phone booths

Black Point Settlement

We stopped at Black Point Settlement but alas no photos.  Then continued to Farmer Cay Cut.  We went to Lorraine's for lunch and asked if she remembered our friends Charlie and Chris Pope and ex-cruiser (now a CLOD - Cruiser Living on Dirt).  She did indeed, fortunately we asked AFTER she served our lunch :

Sea rescue

Sea rescue - this lady was floating away from the beach, her friend did not/would not show her how to start the engine so she was trying to paddle back to shore and loosing ground. - we gave her a lift.

A decorating idea for Bob and Roses bathroom…

Rose and Bob - here is a picture to help you decorate your bathroom when you get to it…

Staniel Cay Yacht Club


John, Chris and Mark at Staniel Cay Yacht Club - unlike in the states you do not have to be a member to enjoy the hospitality of the local yacht clubs - your money is good.