Thursday, December 27, 2007

The home varnish booth....

used to be called 'living room' and 'dining room'. This is what the dining room tale looks like most days.

This is the platform (under the chairs) undergoing varnish application.


CarlSharonEbie said...

Chris & Mark, As I look over your blog and see how much you have gotton done on the sailboat, I know that the time is coming all too soon for you to "set sail". I for one will miss you both and am green with envy that I'm not retired myself!! Love your big sis, Sharon

Dolly said...

Hi cousins.
I am very excited to see your hardwork! It must be wonderful to have a labor of love as oppossed to plain old labor. Boat looks beautiful. Many happy sails to you two this year.

Chris and Mark Lignoul said...

I love reading these just occured to me this AM that I could make notes myself!