Friday, April 25, 2008

No drawers in the galley? Oh, my...

Our new/old boat came no drawers in the galley. So we took measurements and sent this project off to a shop. It took quite a while for it to be shipped and then I had to varnish the cabinet and drawers.

Friend Karen (not shown here) was looking for 'boat work'. Mark gave her the task of dis-assembling the shelving and painting the cabinet in preparation for the drawer cabinet installation. (I believe I was at home varnishing that day, go figure...)

Here is the final result with the top one open showing the silverware.
We had to make our own dividers as (due to space constraints) the drawers are 6 1/2" wide. After combing the Container Store with no luck we used Plexiglas recycled from old cabinet doors!

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