Saturday, April 26, 2008

Folded salon table

The leaves fold to the center and when this is done the tamo ash veneer is book matched (as 'they' say in the trade).

We believe that the table will reside in this position most of the time as it will be easier to get into storage beneath the settee....but time will tell.

(One more task checked off Mark's list!)

.....and...the table exits the wood shop...

Bring out the champagne the new salon table is ready for the varnish booth! Mark finished the table and it looks beautiful. This picture does not really do justice, it is beautiful.

Here is the happy woodworker moments after the hinges were applied.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Hinge mortise next...

Once the table was stained, epoxied and trimmed it is time for mortising the hinges.

Here is Mark (again) in the wood shop. He has a jig for the hinges clamped to the center part of the table and is routing.

Then, I get to apply the varnish. The table should be done soon...

Teak edge banding in glue-up

After the table was dyed (and two coats of epoxy applied) it was time to apply the teak trim.

My request was a table with no fiddles* which was almost a given as the two 'leaves' fold to the center to make a 'cocktail' table.

These are the two leaves of the table with some of the teak trim applied and being glued. The 'glue' Mark uses for this application is epoxy.
*For non-sailors, a fiddle is trim placed proud of a surface. The intent is to prevent stuff from sliding off but what usually happens is that they act as a catapult instead.

Stain application

Finally, a decision was made and the non-grain-raising dye was mixed and applied as a stain.

Here is Mark applying the dye to the tamo ash table top.

Stain chemistry is a mystery to me...

...but Mark is amazing with color development. He is beyond patient and had many many samples to review, tweak, check and recheck.

He blended four colors of Behlen Solar-Lux non-grain-raising dye.

Nav cabinet fit checked

The room was once a 2-bunk cabin/nav station. The top bunk folds down to make a back for the nav chair/seat . When in the 'up' position (like a bunk) it will double as a work bench for projects. This (hopefully) will reduce the plague of tools on the galley countertops!

Here the nav cabinet is fit checked - this cabinet is a BIG improvement over the last one...

It will have louvered doors (top and bottom) and two drawers in the middle (if the drawer slide company gets the correct ones sent to us the third time!).

Now, it is in the 'varnish booth' in the middle of the dinning room table. It is too big to go upstairs to the real varnish booth.

Nav station started...

The Nav Station/office concept was changed when Mark's friend Miles visited. Though much less 'officey' than the original idea the current design will be more versatile.
The cabinet that will be to the left of the door was designed by Mark and Marvin and here they are in the 'wood shop' working on the front of the cabinet.

No drawers in the galley? Oh, my...

Our new/old boat came no drawers in the galley. So we took measurements and sent this project off to a shop. It took quite a while for it to be shipped and then I had to varnish the cabinet and drawers.

Friend Karen (not shown here) was looking for 'boat work'. Mark gave her the task of dis-assembling the shelving and painting the cabinet in preparation for the drawer cabinet installation. (I believe I was at home varnishing that day, go figure...)

Here is the final result with the top one open showing the silverware.
We had to make our own dividers as (due to space constraints) the drawers are 6 1/2" wide. After combing the Container Store with no luck we used Plexiglas recycled from old cabinet doors!