Monday, February 28, 2011

Taxi Departing’ photo

And the usual ‘Taxi Departing’ photo – needless to say we had a wonderful time and visit.

Bon Voyage beer

Then we stopped for a Bon Voyage beer since Sharon and Carl were leaving…

Harley Davidson

The next morning we had to go to the Harley Davidson shop for some ‘biker’ shirts.

How does one miss a shark this big?

Mark told me that there was a big shark outside as we had been there with friends one time before – I never even noticed the shark…so this will help me remember.

The Shipwreck

I promised Sharon sushi for her birthday dinner but alas it is closed on Sunday’s – boo, hoo, hoo. We went instead to “The Shipwreck”.

Another useful item made by my Dad

Hey Dad! Look how good my palm tree looks on the stand you made for it for me!

Crown Bay

We went over to Crown Bay in the dingy to Tickles Bar for lunch.

Happy Birthday Sharon

The next day was Sharon’s and of course we had champagne to celebrate on our way to Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas.

Dancing in the cockpit

The dancing in the cockpit began after the motor was installed and ‘smoke-tested’. It works of course!

Truly island hopping today

On Friday we scampered out of Norman Island over to Sopers Hole to check out of British customs. We then went to Cruz Bay to check back into the US and pick up a package at ‘Connections’ which was our new Wifi system. Then we went on to Red Hook to pick up our new windlass motor which was finally delivered and finally picked up a mooring ball on St James for the night. Here the guys are installing the new motor for the windlass…yeah!

T-shirt to thong...

We wanted to get a T-shirt for Rose but alas they did not have her size (again!). The friendly bartender gave Sharon and me some thongs – free!

Willy T’s

No trip to the Bight on Norman Island is complete without a visit to Willy T’s

Pirates Bight food

We chose to have dinner that night at Pirates Bight this is a picture of Sharon’s dinner (mine was the same). We had much leftover chicken needless to say and made a great chicken salad the next day for lunch.

Cruising spinnaker launched

And with a bit of hullaballoo we launched it and had a wonderful quiet downwind sail – it took about 4 hours but yours truly missed about two hours of it in the v-birth taking the best nap I have had in years.

Cruising spinnaker

We left the Bitter End for Norman Island and since it was down wind and calm Mark called for the cruising spinnaker. Since we have not used it since Lake Lewisville we decided it was high time. Here I am helping the spinnaker sock out of the forward locker (under our v-birth bed) out of it’s resting place.

Sharon at the helm.

Sharon at the helm.

The Baths…

What the sign does not say is that it is 85o here and beautiful!

The Baths…

These ‘devils’ need a bath!

The Baths…

Beautiful none the less.

The Baths…

One has to wonder just how in the heck they got here?

The Baths…

We left Mark at the bar and hiked down to the Baths. We did not bother with swimsuits as you can walk through the rocks without getting wet.

Tourist trap and more…

The wonderful English gentleman is now deceased but the bar has not changed much- the surroundings however are much changed. Many more trinket shops, bars, etc. Boo lousy!

Mad Dog Bar

Again, what a difference two decades make. Mark and I visited the Baths via car in 1993, the Mad Dog Bar and Restaurant was the only thing at the top of the Baths.

Virgin Gorda and the Baths

The next day we rented a car and drove on the left side of the road to explore Virgin Gorda and the ‘Baths’.

Termite nest

Later that evening we strolled down the walkway and found this termite nest. I guess it is better in the tree than in the house.


We took a picture of the sign just in case CRS set it as it often times does.

Crawl Pub

Lunch at the Crawl Pub at the Bitter End


On to the Bitter End on Virgin Gorda – this is the Bitten End Yacht Club.

Washer Woman

Sharon related a story from 30+ years ago when she and Carl were newlyweds. She said she did not intend to hang laundry outside so the clothesline could be disposed of…HA caught her doing the same just a few years later.

Trellis Bay decorated tree

Trellis Bay decorated tree

Full Moon party

These open weave sculptures are used for the Full Moon party held each month. Rumor has it that local politics are frowning upon this long tradition. The ash produced is hurting the environment….but…one has to wonder about the many other pollutants caused by boats, airplanes, cars and people…drat the politics!

Trellis Bay

From Cane Garden Bay we sailed upwind to Trellis Bay on Beef Island near the airport for Tortola. On this chart it is called Bellany Cay (pronounced key for all you non-island folks) – the new navigation charts, GPS, etc. do make a sailors job a lot easier. Needless to say we still have paper charts and do know how to use them in case of ‘electronic’ problems.

Valentines Day

Since it was Valentines Day our wonderful husbands gave us fresh flowers picked right off the bushes along the way. Could any girl be luckier?

Cane Garden Bay

The next day we ventured a long way (about 3 miles) over to Cane Garden Bay – one of our new favorite places to go this year. We stopped at Stanley’s Welcome Bar for refreshment – it is one of the two original places on shore. Mark and I stopped here in 1993 when we were bare boating and what a difference two decades make!


Their treasures – both had hermit crabs in them so were brought up for show and tell then returned to their habitat.

Snorkel ready

Sharon and Carl ready to go snorkeling.

The Gang

The gang at Foxy’s Taboo.

Foxy’s Taboo

The girls enjoying a glass of wine at Foxy’s Taboo after the hike back from the pool. I must say that we enjoy this place better than the more famous Foxy’s around the corner. This place is MUCH less touristy and inviting.

Mark made the trip

YEAH – Mark made the hike to the pool this time, this is his first time here so I wish it had been a bit more active – again, drat!


Not sure if this is good or bad news but since there was no northern swell or storm the pool was calm as well.

Baby goat

Baby goat on our hick to the ’Pool’ – they are just too cute.

Bubbly Pool

The next day we take off for Bubbly Pool between Jost and Little Yost and lo and behold it is a sail. Again, it is nice to have a hunky guy to help me with the mainsail.

Carl the tourist

Carl the tourist – Mark & me in the background.

The Jolly Roger Inn and Bar

The Jolly Roger Inn and Bar on the north side of Sopers Hole –Tortola. We motored east from St. John (known as St. Johns to my sister…tee, hee hee) to Sopers Hole to check into customs and spend a night. We are stuck with picking up mooring balls everywhere we go as our windlass motor did not arrive before Carl and Sharon…drat!

Fish, fish, fish

We fish, fish, fish but so far all we have caught is a tuna (Cody) a few barracuda and a half of a fish (the head) who my friend Gay claims was one she flushed down the toilet 5 years ago…


AOH means Ancient Order of Hibernians and LAOH means Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians – this is an Irish Catholic organization guess we need to join as my family is both….no idea if Mark has any Irish in him but I guess he qualifies by marriage. Here is a hyperlink if you are interested:


Maryann the local parrot – she is shy and does like to bite – we keep our fingers clear as we enjoy having 10.


Kenny is not only the best bartender in the Caribbean BUT also an entertainer.

Quiet Mon Pub

Carl, Mark, Chris and Sharon behind the bar at the Quiet Mon Pub.

A picture to add to Rose’s collection

A picture to add to Roses’ collection. The ‘dudes’ (my nephew Robert and adopted nephew Cody) came for spring break 3/2010 and we took a posed picture of them. Much to my surprise Rose framed it and put it on her porch in Ohio.